Jean Covillo Elected to MOANA Region 1 Director

In September 2013, Jean Covillo, Managing Member of Excel Anesthesia, was elected as MoANA’s Region 1 Director.  MoANA, the Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists, is a state CRNA membership organization that works to advance the profession of nurse anesthesia, serving all citizens of Missouri.


As Region 1 Director, Jean will represent and promote the professional interests of those CRNAs residing in the Kansas City, Missouri region and its immediate surrounding areas.

Jean has more than 20 years experience as a CRNA, including 17 years in private practice as an owner/manager of the largest CRNA company in the Midwest region.  She has witnessed the profound impact of poorly drafted legislation that places unrealistic and unnecessary supervisory restrictions on the practice of anesthesia by CRNAs.  The end result is that these restrictions further limit patient access to quality healthcare services.

As a member of the MoANA Board, Jean is well positioned to have a direct, positive impact on the CRNA profession by educating colleagues about the consequences of physician supervision requirements, advocating for legislative change that will promotes CRNA autonomy, increasing patient access to quality healthcare providers and supporting the MOANA mission.

Congratulations Jean!